Course Introduction

Video 1 of 19
2 min 22 sec
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Welcome to First Aid Course with ForJodie Project

Course Overview

Welcome to our first aid course, in partnership with the ForJodie project. This course is designed to equip you with essential skills to handle common first aid emergencies.

For more details about the ForJodie project, refer to the student resources section of this course.

Course Structure

  • Watch instructional videos
  • Answer knowledge review questions
  • Take a completion test
  • Flexibility to start, stop, and resume at your convenience
  • Access videos and course materials on any device
  • Subtitles available for all videos
  • Additional help provided for incorrect answers

Each course page includes text to complement video content, enhancing your learning experience.

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Completion and Support

  • Receive a printable completion certificate upon passing the test
  • Access to course resources and updates for 8 months post-enrolment
  • Explore additional training resources and links from the course home page
  • Continuous course updates ensure relevance and freshness of content
  • Free company dashboards available for workplace training needs
  • Support available via email, phone, or online chat throughout your training
  • Receive weekly emails with new course videos and blog updates

You have the option to manage your email preferences at any time.

We hope you find our course valuable. Thank you for choosing ProTrainings!

Good luck with your training!