Finding an Unconscious Person

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Emergency First Aid: How to Assist an Unconscious Person

Discover essential steps to safely assist an unconscious person, ensuring you manage the situation with confidence and care.

Initial Assessment and Safety

Don't panic—the first rule when you find someone unconscious. Ensuring both your safety and that of the unconscious person is paramount.

Creating a Safe Environment

Before anything, make sure the surroundings are safe. Remove any potential hazards like sharp objects to prevent further injury.

Approaching the Individual

Introduce yourself calmly, for instance, "Hi, my name is Keith and I'm trained in first aid. May I help you?" Use a gentle tap on the collarbone to try and rouse the person.

Checking the Airway

If there is no response, check the airway for obstructions. Perform a 'head tilt, chin lift' manoeuvre to ensure the airway is clear. Listen and feel for signs of breathing for about 10 seconds.

Continuous Monitoring

While assessing the situation, continue to speak to the individual, checking for any visible injuries such as cuts or fractures. If no other injuries are apparent, prepare to move them into the recovery position.

Placing in the Recovery Position

Start by positioning the arm closest to you out of the way. Move the other arm across their chest to their opposite cheek. Use their farthest leg, bent at the knee, to roll them onto their side gently. Ensure the hand under the cheek supports their head to keep the airway open.

Providing Comfort and Warmth

If outdoors, cover the person with a coat or spare clothing to keep them warm. Reassure them continuously about your actions and intentions.

Seeking Further Help

Inform the person that you are going to call for professional help. If possible, get assistance from nearby people without compromising your safety. Call 999, provide necessary details, and stay on the line until help arrives.

Post-Emergency Actions

After calling for help, return to the individual and reassure them that help is on the way and they are in safe hands.

Remember, proper first aid can be critical in saving lives. Always ensure you're trained and prepared to handle such situations effectively.