Direct Pressure

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How to Manage a Knife Wound: Essential Steps

Do Not Remove the Embedded Knife

First and foremost, if the knife is still embedded in the body, do not remove it!

Apply Direct Pressure to the Wound

If someone is bleeding, apply direct pressure to the wound site. Ideally, wear gloves as they provide a barrier against infection and help seal the wound.

Pressure Around the Knife

Even if the knife is still in place, apply pressure around the knife onto the wound. Direct pressure helps the blood to clot, thereby stopping the blood flow.

Importance of Blood Clotting

Keeping as much blood in the body as possible is crucial, as this increases the chances of survival and reduces the risk of long-term complications.

Explaining the Process

Applying firm, direct pressure on the wound may cause discomfort to the person, but explain that it is necessary to stop the bleeding.

Self-Application of Pressure

Depending on the size and location of the cut, the patient may be able to apply pressure themselves. However, keep a close watch on them as they may become tired or lose consciousness.

Applying a Dressing

Once the blood flow ceases, you can consider applying a dressing to the wound.

Following these steps ensures that you effectively manage a knife wound and increase the chances of the injured person's survival until professional medical help arrives.