Seizures and Epilepsy

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How to Help Someone During an Epileptic Seizure

Knowing how to respond when someone experiences an epileptic seizure is crucial for their safety and recovery. This guide outlines the steps to take to effectively assist during such an emergency.

Recognising an Epileptic Seizure

When a person like Taylor starts to experience uncontrollable shaking, it's important to recognise that this is an epileptic seizure. Maintain a safe distance to avoid injury from involuntary movements and create a calm environment to help soothe them.

Initial Steps to Take

Stay calm and reassure the person experiencing the seizure, saying things like, "Don't worry, Taylor, you're not alone. We're here to take care of you." Remove any dangerous objects from the vicinity to prevent injury.

During the Seizure

If the person is on the ground, cushion their head if possible. Keep track of the seizure duration—this information is vital for medical professionals. Check for any epilepsy identification like a card or medical alert jewellery.

Post-Seizure Care

After the seizure, help the person into the recovery position to aid their breathing. Continue providing reassurance and stay with them until they have fully recovered. Remember, never restrain them or put anything in their mouth during the seizure.

When to Seek Medical Help

Call an ambulance if any of the following apply:

  • The person's first known seizure
  • The seizure lasts more than five minutes
  • A second seizure follows immediately
  • The person is injured during the seizure
  • Immediate medical attention seems necessary

Emergency Situations

If the person stops breathing, immediately call Emergency Medical Services and start CPR if you are trained. Always ensure you have fast access to a phone to contact emergency services when needed.

Providing the right support during and after an epileptic seizure can significantly impact the affected person's health and safety. Always stay informed and prepared to act appropriately in such situations.